Friday, June 5, 2009

I am so proud.....

Ok I have to toot my husband's horn.

This is my neighbor's new deck.
It is pretty awesome.
My husband built this all by himself.
Can you believe how great it looks, and sturdy oh man you can dance on this baby.
I am pretty proud of his work.
Here is another view of the deck...... Larry hand made the rails and reinforced the bottom so this baby will stand long after the house is gone.
Here is a picture of the deck that Larry has promised to put up in front of
our house....
Oh wait he hasn't built mine yet!!!!! :)


Bobbi said...

Well, at least you know when he does make yours it'll be really cool, right? Right??!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Good work Larry! It is kind of the like the plumber with a leaky toilet huh? HA HA